
It’s been a cold, white winter. Many people have been complaining about it, and I suppose I can understand this intellectually even if my own reactions to winter are drastically different.
Sorghum resizedThe way some people speak of snow and cold is the same as how I talk about glaring sun and heat in the summer.
Tree and bench resizedI took the Mamiya 645 out to play a couple of weeks ago. The sun was bright and it was very very cold – exactly the kind of weather that invigorates me. The camera, however, had other ideas and the cold made the shutter operate slower than I was asking it to do. I ended up with very overexposed pictures that seemed at first to be unusable. The shots above were somewhat ‘salvaged’ with adjustment of shadow, midtone, and highlight levels, the same way some people try to wring some kind of enjoyment out of an otherwise unpleasant situation.

This next one, however, seemed resistant to any efforts to ‘improve’ it.

Blown out trees resizedThen I realized that I didn’t even want to change it. I love everything in this photo that most people would say was wrong with it. So instead of fighting it, I embrace it just as unapologetically as I embrace winter.

15 comments on “Stark.

  1. margaret21 says:

    Great photos. Wiinter seems to have passed us by except in the high mountains. We feel cheated.

  2. Sounds Of Shutter says:

    Oh, I’ve been really sad that the winter here is not the winter at all. We had just a bit of snow and it was gone before we got a chance to enjoy in it.
    Nice photos 🙂

    • limr says:

      Thank you!
      It’s definitely been a “real” winter around here this year. I’m enjoying it while it lasts because next year’s winter will probably be lame!

  3. Lovvvvvvvvvvve treas

  4. kevinallan says:

    I love the luminosity of the first image in particular. It shows how flexible film can be.

    • limr says:

      Thanks! I agree about the flexibility that film gives. It’s nice to have good contrast without losing detail, especially with such a gorgeous texture like on that tree.

  5. I just discovered your blog through mara who nominated you for the Leibster award a while back, I am just getting in to my photography. I love your pics, the last one you talked about editing, before I read this I just thought wow, it is like there is some invisible force just pulling the tree in one direction and flattening it down, very dramatic, love it

    • limr says:

      Thanks! When I first saw that last shot, I thought it was too overexposed to be useful and I tried playing with contrast and midtones, but the more I looked at it, the more I liked it without any changes at all. Glad someone else likes it as much 🙂

      Thanks for stopping by!

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