Day 360: Loot.

So Santa was very good to me this year.

Day 360 - Mamiya C330

I’ve been drooling over these bad boys for a while now. Changeable lenses, bellows, and waist-level finder all wrapped up in a beautiful and beastly package that could easily serve as a weapon were anyone to attack me while I was out shooting? Oh yes. Want. And now, have!

There’s only five days left of my Project 365 and you can be sure that one of those pictures will be something out of the C330. Stay tuned!

Day 359: Christmas wishes.

Sometimes they do come true.

Day 359 - White ChristmasIt’s not the snowiest Christmas I’ve ever seen, but last night’s squall put enough on the ground that I can call my wish for a white Christmas granted!

Thank you, Santa!

Day 359 - SantaMay all you celebrating today also get your wishes granted.


Day 356: Winter.

You’d never think it looking outside or at the thermometer today, but it’s late December in the American Northeast. The temperature was 60ºF (about 15ºC) and all the snow had melted. The air was wet and sticky. This is not typical weather for us at this time of year in this part of the country. Not at all.

It’s wrong. All wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong!

So I decorated the Christmas tree to remind myself that it really is officially winter.

Day 356 - Christmas Tree

Day 355: Merry Caturday!

Today is actually the Winter Solstice, so it seemed like an appropriate day to finally put up a holiday tree. Mrs.Parker approves.

Day 355 - Mrs Parker and tree

It’s just a small tree in anticipation of the larger one, which was bought today but will be decorated tomorrow. Nevertheless, Zelda also approves.

Day 355 - Zelda and tree

The girls do not care to understand what a Winter Solstice is, nor that Christmas is just a few days away.

They just know that there is only one more Caturday left in 2013! Good thing there are plenty more in 2014.