Day 122: The real first sign of spring.

Some say the red-breasted robin. Others say it’s the first crocus or tulip or daffodil. It could be the first time you don’t wear your boots to work or the first sneeze of allergy season.

Y’all are wrong. Here’s how I know that my beloved winter is gone:

Day 121 - BuggleCrap.

Day 121: Still not quite there.

It’s May Day, yet it’s still kind of brown in my neck of the woods. I think spring is on strike. Appropriately, the barn is red.

Day 121 - Farmhouse

On the other hand, I’ve just learned that today is International Commie Camera Day. It just so happens that I have my Lubitel with me, so perhaps I will be able to celebrate May Day after all.



Day 115: Spring fever.

Rails trails are old railway beds that have been paved over and are now used as recreational trails for walkers and bikers. We have a lot of them around here.

Day 115 - biker on trail

Buzz and I are on these trails quite a bit. We prefer when the trails are less populated, but as the weather warms up, it’s rare to have the trail to ourselves anymore.

Day 115 - biker on bridgeBut it sure is nice when we do.

Day 115 - bench on trail

Day 108: At least I like green.

I’ve made no bones about my love of winter, and this tends to make me seem like Grouchy McGrumperson when spring comes around. I really don’t mean to be, and I surely know I am in the minority here, but I can’t help it. Y’all got to grump about winter, so now it’s my turn to say what I don’t like about rising temperatures:

  • People gush about the warm weather and automatically expect me to agree with them, then get offended when I don’t. I hate when people do this about any subject, really, but I’ve come to really despise when people do it about weather.
  • Bugs. I’ve already massacred a dozen or so stink bugs that I found had made a little colony at the hinge of one of my bedroom windows. I hate bugs.
  • The arrival of spring just means that summer is around the corner, and it hangs a minor pall of dread on my enjoyment of spring. I hate summer.
  • The taste level of at least 50% of the student population plummets, and they make bad “fashion” choices. No one needs to wear sequined leggings ever, and they certainly do not belong in algebra class.

Oddly enough, green is my favorite color.

Day 108 - Spring green